/* Links - GuppY PHP Script - version 3.0 GPL Copyright (C) 2002-2004 by Laurent Duveau Made by Laurent Duveau, Nicolas Alves and Team Web site = http://www.freeguppy.org/ e-mail = info@aldweb.com Version History : v1.0 (30 December 2002) : initial release v1.1 (02 January 2003) : no change v1.2 (05 January 2003) : no change v1.3 (06 January 2003) : no change v1.4 (07 January 2003) : no change v1.5 (10 January 2003) : no change v1.6 (23 January 2003) : no change v1.7 (28 January 2003) : added category ordering information v1.8 (05 February 2003) : no change v1.9 (11 February 2003) : no change v2.0 (27 February 2003) : no change v2.1 (10 March 2003) : no change v2.2 (22 April 2003) : option for choosing the number of items to display in news, forum threads, links, downloads, FAQ and Guestbook cleanup in the images organization v2.3 (27 July 2003) : added direct jump to pages (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) v2.4 (24 September 2003) : added section icon in central boxes added ReadDoc() function reviewed all Files Read & Write functions secured transfered parameters created $typ_[name] variables v3.0 (25 February 2004) : no change */ header("Pragma: no-cache"); $chemin = ""; include("inc/includes.inc"); if ($serviz[11] != "on") { exit($web143); } $pg = strip_tags($pg); $id = strip_tags($id); if (!empty($pg)) { if (count(SelectDBFields($typ_links,"a",$pg)) != 0) { $dbwork[0][4] = $pg; } else { $dbwork = array(); } } else { $dbwork = ReadDBFields($dblinks); } @sort($dbwork); include("inc/hpage.inc"); if ($lng == $lang[0]) { $i = 0; } else { $i = 10; } $topmess = $nom[$i+3]; if ($page[9] != "") { $topmess = "".$topmess; } htable($topmess, "100%"); ?>
echo $web38; ?>
if (empty($id)) { $id = 1; } if (!empty($dbwork)) { ?>".$rubr." | |
".$rubr." | |
echo $txt3; ?> |
echo $id; ?> / echo ceil(count($dbwork)/$serviz[5]); ?> |
$idn = $id+1;
if ($idn > ceil(count($dbwork)/$serviz[5])) {
$idn = 1;
for($i = 1; $i <= ceil(count($dbwork)/$serviz[5]); $i++) { ?> [ ] } ?>
} btable(); include("inc/bpage.inc"); ?>